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Puzzle Skills

Open source skill management web application


Right after DINAcon and at the same location the #HelveticRuby conference is taking place, bringing an international developer community to Bern. Featuring some interesting talks, it is organized by Renuo AG, GARAIO, REM AG and Puzzle ITC, who are familiar with the hackathon format.

Update: Some insights from the conference are now available on the Puzzle blog post

We reached out to Robin Steiner to talk about Puzzle Skills, an interesting project that aims to bring developers together based on common competencies and interests. There is a blog post (in German) with screenshots.

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PuzzleSkills is an open source webapplication to facilitate skill management.
With the help of PuzzleSkills Users can manage their profiles, CVs and Skills. Managing employees and getting an overview of each of their skills has never been easier.

This content is a preview from an external site.

Event finish

Repository updated

1 year ago ~ loleg


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