Edited (version 24)
Hackathon Archival
Results of open hackdays, archived as open data
There was much interest about this challenge at our first meeting. Follow-up ideas include:
- Putting more attention to the idea at Opendata.ch / OKFN
- Making sure the aggregation works smoothly and automatically
- Talking to Opendata.swiss & BAR about preservation on an official platform
- Investigate adding aggregation from third party (non-dribdat) platforms
- Ask some probing data question, like which topics/challenges are more/less sustained
- The pre-selection of results can influence archival interest, e.g. prize-winners, deployed apps..
- Some hackathons purposely try to recycle challenges from other events
- Some organizations really know how to utilize hackathons and will surface often
- Hackathons and open data go hand-in-hand!
📎 multiTimeline.csv
Collected results of Opendata.ch Hackdays and community sprints.
Data source
The Data Package is currently maintained by hand, with data exported using dribdat APIs.
We should create a GitHub Action to fetch and update the CSV files automatically - from all the open data instances that apply the HCoC and CC license. Separate files with a unified schema - or single file with a source server column as in the 2020 export?
All contents licensed CC BY 4.0 International
Event finish
Question: does it also help to connect with project owners by finding their github profile? (besides the media coverage of winners..)
Repository updated
Challenge shared
Tap here to review.
See also: a tangential Mastodon thread from Thursday.