Hackathon live board
A dashboard for hackathons updated in real time
↓ Open
- Provide the same functionality as the built-in dribdat timeline (per project, but also aggregated for the whole hackathon)
- Do this in a visually appealing fashion, should by default look great on a large screen
- Make use of the screen real estate, fill that screen
- Make elements instantly shareable
1. variable-resolution timeline
- Before hackathon (~days)
- During hackathon (~hours)
- After hackathon (~days)
2. packed chronological content feed
- people
- activity
- artifacts
- visualisiations
- demo, preview links
- stats
3. Topical zoom in/out/pan
- whole hackathon
- team
- navigate left/right/up/down in a tree -> determines the scope of the scrollable content canvas
Relevant links
- first design draft: Google Doc with ugly drawings
- mockup: moqups.com
Hack:Org:X v.1
Next project